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CFCA - Spring Sports

Last updated 1/21/2025


In-person sign ups for CFCA Spring sports will be held February 12th and 13th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. On the 12th they will be held in the CFE cafeteria, and on the 13th they will be in the CFE library.

Mail-in sign-up deadline dates vary by sport, see sport description for specific deadlines.


Tee-Ball is for both Boys & Girls in Pre-K and K. Tee-Ball offers a chance to learn the core fundamentals of baseball/softball: how to throw, catch, and hit. Special soft balls are hit off tees. All players play in the field and hit, and games usually last 2-3 innings. Players need to provide their own glove. Fee for Tee-Ball is $30. Email questions to

*If signing up online, please be sure to include shirt size.

Tee-Ball Coaches Needed! Tee-Ball usually has a limited number of returning coaches. This means we need new volunteers to be Tee-Ball coaches every year. Coaching Tee-Ball is fun and easy!! Please consider coaching. For more info or to sign up to coach send an email to

The deadline to sign up for Tee-Ball is April 26th.

Youth Baseball

CF Youth Baseball offers several Spring and Summer Baseball options. Spring programs are for players in grades 1 - 6, in 3 levels:

If you have any questions, please email Joseph Gonzales at

Farm: This level is for players in grades 1 and 2. Skills development is the focus, and when games are played players hit off tees, or hit pitches thrown by coaches (dependent on ability). Games are usually 3-4 innings in length. A softer, safety ball is used. This is a Fun, non-competitive beginner league. Fee for Farm level is $40 per player.

Minors: Grades 3 and up. Players pitch. Walks and strike-outs. Standard Youth League Rules. Base stealing allowed (except home). Six inning games. Developmental league. The fee for the Minors level is $60 per player.

Majors: Grades 5 and up. Requires try-out and selection by draft. Standard Little League Rules. Paid umpires. Play teams from the local area. The fee for the Majors level is $70 per player.

MAJORS NOTE: Players at the Majors level must either be returning Majors players, or must participate in a Majors try- out session, and be drafted by a Majors team. Players wishing to try out for Majors should pay the Majors fee ($70) and sign- up for a try-out time.

*If signing up online, please be sure to include shirt size.

The deadline to sign up for Baseball is February 28th.

Youth Softball

CF Youth Softball offers Spring Softball for players in grades 1-6.

Softball levels are:

Ready Reserves: 1st, and 2nd graders. Coaches pitch using a safety softball. All players bat and play in field. Length of games varies, usually -5 innings. This is a Developmental league.

Minor League: 3rd and 4th graders. Players pitch, using a safety softball. Balls, strikes, outs are tracked.

Major League: 5th and 6th graders. Players pitch, using regular softball. Balls, strikes, outs are tracked. Play is against other teams from the local area.

Spring Softball season runs mid-April to late June. Each softball player must provide their own glove. Team Equipment and uniforms are provided for all players. Sign-up fees: Ready Reserves $50/player. Minors/Majors $60/player. Questions? Please contact Pennie Merrick at

*If signing up online, please be sure to include shirt and pant size.

The deadline to sign up for Youth Softball is March 15th.

Boys Lacrosse

CF Boy's Lacrosse will have three different age groups: K-2nd Grade, 3/4th Grade and 5/6th Grade. Games are played against teams from other school districts. Equipment supplied by the CFCA includes the following: helmet, shoulder pads, and gloves with deposit, also a jersey and mouth guard. Each player must provide their own lacrosse stick. Lacrosse runs from April to early June. Fee for all levels of Boy's Lacrosse is $65 per player. Due to an increase in participation, each team may be broken down into an "A, B, C" rotation schedule for games only. If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Yahner at 607-765-7842 or

*If signing up online, please be sure to include shirt size.

The deadline to sign up for Boys Lacrosse is March 15th.

Girls Lacrosse

This year our Girls Lacrosse program will include three age groups, with grade ranges of K-2, 3-4, and 5-6. K-2 and 3-4 will focus on the basic fundamentals of Girls Lacrosse. The 5-6 team will learn and play by the same rules as our Varsity (except with modified checking). Games are played against teams of other school districts. Each player will be required to provide their own girls lacrosse stick, protective goggles, and a colored mouthguard (clear mouthguards are not permitted). Sign-up fee is $65 per player. If you have Girls Lacrosse questions please contact Chelsey Hall at

*If signing up online, please be sure to include shirt size.

The deadline to sign up for Girls Lacrosse is March 30th.

Spring Sports Fees

The fee for Spring Sports are as follows: Tee-Ball - $30, Softball: Ready Reserves - $55, Minors/Majors - $65. Girl's Lacrosse - $65, Boy's Lacrosse - $65, Baseball: Majors level - $70, Minors level - $60, Farm level $40.

The CFCA offers reduced fees for those families experiencing financial difficulties. This policy helps insure that all families have the opportunity for children to participate in our programs. Please email to request a reduced sports fee.

Girls Lax - Chelsey Hall -
Boys Lax - Michelle Yahner, 607-765-7842 or
Softball - Pennie Merrick -
Baseball: Majors, Farm/Minors - Dave Starr -
T-Ball - Ron Crawford -

Sign-up options