A Guide for Youth Sports Spectators
Keep cheering positive. No profanity or degrading language / gestures.
Avoid actions which offend visiting teams or individual players.
Show appreciation of good play by both teams.
Learn the rules of the game in order to be a better informed spectator.
Treat visiting teams in a way in which you would expect to be treated.
Accept the judgment of coaches and officials.
Encourage other spectators to demonstrate good sportsmanship.
Discourage the use and abuse of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
CFCA Offers Basketball Programs for School Aged Children!
CFCA Youth Basketball offers programs for both Boys and Girls in grades K through 6. Whether your child is just a beginner, or has been playing Basketball for a few years, the CFCA can offer them a program to help them improve their abilities and knowledge of the game. Basketball programs are structured so that players in grades 3-6 will play in local leagues against teams from other communities and school districts. Teams will be formed with players of equal skill and experience, and each team will play teams of comparable skill in the league. Practices will be held at CF courts, and games will be played at CF, as well as on courts in places like Johnson City, Endwell, and Endicott. FBA is for children in grades K-2, and will be held on Saturday’s in January and February for a total of at least 6 sessions.
Boys, Grades 3-4:
Boys teams in grades 3&4 will play other teams of the same age in a local league. Significant emphasis is placed on learning fundamentals. Anticipate 2 sessions per week to be held (1 week night practice and Saturday game), and 8-10 games will be played during the season. Each player will receive a team shirt, shorts, and a trophy. Practices and Games are all held in Chenango Forks gymnasiums.
Boys, Grades 4-6:
Boys teams will play in the ‘Southern Tier Rage’ league against other teams from the area. Teams in this age group will be formed based on ability, and teams will be placed in the appropriate league level based on overall team skill. Game schedule is still TBD, but anticipate 1 to 2 practice sessions per week, and at least 1 game per week. Practice schedule and # of games may vary from team to team based on overall team interest/availability level.
Girls, Grades 3-6:
The Girls program is being revamped this year. Here are some examples of this years girls basketball program enhancements:
• Structured/organized gym time (for both practice/games)
• Teams determined by coaches collaboratively
• Cornell University former Coach committed to assist during a season practice
• "New" All star game at end of season; including all teams participating in girl basketball (details TBD)
• End of year season banquet including all CF teams
Our goal is to teach your girls the basic fundamental basketball skills. In doing so; we will work with the girls so they clearly understand the sport and most importantly reiterate the importance of good sportsmanship while having fun learning!
Do your girls have a drive, enthusiasm, and the willingness to learn more about the game of basketball1? If so; we have the coaches ready to teach them! If you have any questions, please email them to cfgirlsbasketball13@gmail.com, or contact Michelle Zemanick at 725-0522.
FBA (Forks Basketball Assoc.) Clinic:
Boys & Girls, Grades K-2 The FBA program is conducted on Saturdays only, for 6-7 weeks starting in January. An excellent program for players just starting to learn the game, FBA provides a fun, active, clinic style introduction to Basketball fundamentals, including dribbling, passing, shooting and defense. Short games are also played. In addition to some excellent Basketball training, each player also will receive a team shirt, and trophy. All sessions are held in a CF gymnasium. The first FBA session will be Saturday, January 9h.
Winter Sports Fees:
The fee for both Boys and Girls Basketball (grades 3-6) is $50, FBA (grades K-2) is $25.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program: The CFCA offers reduced fees for those participants that qualify for free or reduced school lunches. This policy helps insure that qualifying families have the opportunity for children to participate in our programs. Due to recent concerns regarding this policy, the CFCA will now require proof of qualification for the free/reduced lunch program. The letter received from the school will be adequate, and the form only needs to be shown at the time of sign-up. If you qualify, but have lost your letter, you can get a replacement by contacting the school food service department.
The reduced fee for Boys and Girls Basketball (grades 3-6) is $25, FBA is $15.